Thursday, May 29, 2008

Create Pressure To Help You Stop Smoking By Letting Other People Know You've Quit

Almost every smoker reaches a point with their addiction where they want to quit, and for most them is a very difficult task. Although people tend not to think of it this way, an attempt to quit smoking is an attempt to break an extremely serious addiction - in some studies nicotine is shown to be as addictive as cocaine. It is important therefore, that you provide yourself with as much support as possible when you attempt to quit smoking: when you first quit, you shouldn't hesitate to tell people.

A lot of people, when they first attempt to quit smoking, have a tendency not to tell the people around them. There are a few reasons for this: in some cases, the ex-smoker feels that they will be putting pressure on their friends, especially those friends who smoke, or trying to make them feel guiltily; in other cases the ex-smoker will keep the quitting attempt to his or herself because of a subconscious fear of failure - if no one knows you tried to quit, then no one will know if the attempt failed.

If you don't tell anyone that you've quit smoking, you're leaving yourself completely alone with no support group. Most people will find that if they make a point of telling their friends and associates that they've quit smoking, they'll be rewarded with instant support. At times of weakness, your friends are going to step in and make sure you don't smoke in front of them.

As an added bonus, smoking friends that you have are probably going to be very interested in your attempt - after all, all smokers want to quite on some level. Your smoking friends will show interest in your progress and techniques, which will give you an opportunity for some positive reinforcement - a chance to remind yourself that what you're trying to do is a good thing, and that you are doing well.

Anyone who is a true friend will neither offer you cigarettes nor allow you to smoke in front of them. This support system is crucial when you attempt something drastic like trying to quit smoking. Many people, out of a sense of stubbornness, have a tendency to want to "go it alone" when they try and quit smoking. For one reason or another a lot of people don't like the idea of needing help (this is the same logic, of course, that leads many smokers to say things like "I could quit whenever I want to - I just don't want to now.") In order to be successful in your attempt to quit smoking, though, you will need help, and there is absolutely no shame in seeking support from your friends.

Rather than keeping it under wraps, every smoker who's trying to quit should inform all of their friends, and ask them to support him or her if they see a lapse. With a group of friends watching out for you, your attempt to quit smoking will have a much higher chance of success, and may even lead to some of your friends trying to quit as well.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tips To Help Ease Your Struggle To Stop Smoking

Smoking cigarettes or using tobacco is a self destructive and a suicidal behavior. If you are a smoker, then you already know this simple fact. But just knowing and being able to do something about it are often two different things.

You are probably aware that millions and millions of people die from tobacco related disease each and every year. But knowing this has not caused more than a minor movement away from use of the deadly plant by the general public. In fact, children all over the world are being led into the same destructive path as their elders. At their young age, they started smoking their first cigarettes, and quickly became addicted to a daily habit.

The huge problem with smoking cigarettes is in the seemingly unbreakable habit of using them. Habits are built - or assembled if you will - over a period of time and are created by repetitious behavior. Without the habit, which creates the craving, tobacco has no power of its own. It is as harmless and of no consequence as any simple garden weed. It is that internal unintentional perception about the drug that makes it dangerous.

Removing this kind of habit from a human being is not so simple. It requires a complete program of steps, taken one at a time with care and commitment. With this type of program, ending the smoking habit will feel more natural and is actually easier, even less painful than starting it. The first place to start is with these simple questions: Do you really want to quit smoking? Are you ready to do it now? If your answer to either question is "no," you will probably be unable to quit at all.

Here are some simple but effective quit smoking tips:

Tip 1: Think of yourself as a non-smoker.

One of the best ways to think like a non-smoker one is to picture yourself in your day to day routine without cigarettes. When people ask you for a cigarette, you tell them that you don't smoke. When you eat in a restaurant, you choose the non-smoking section. You stop taking breaks at work to smoke. Conceptualizing yourself as someone who doesn't smoke will help you make that vision a reality. It may sound silly, but positive thinking of very specific activities in your life can help you achieve your goals.

Tip 2: Drink more water.

Water can be very instrumental in ending your smoking habit. Water flushes out the body and any toxins quickly. Some people feel bloated for the first couple of days of drinking extra water, but you will quickly enjoy its benefits. Drinking extra water will cause you to urinate more often, thus eliminating the toxins caused by smoking more quickly, reducing the urge to smoke. On top of that, you will feel healthier and more energetic.

Tip 3: Quit smoking with a buddy. Encourage someone who always talks about quitting smoke to join you. It is much easier to give up a bad habit if you have a friend with whom to share sympathy and helpful tips. This "quit" buddy can help share your struggles because they know exactly what you are going through.

Tip 4: Enlist support from others in your life.

Do not try to quit smoking alone! It is best to let everyone know that you are quitting. Tell your best friend. Tell your girlfriend or boyfriend. Tell your mom. Make sure you let everyone know when you will be quitting so that you have people to hold you responsible if you are tempted to start again.

Tip 5: Count the days when you stop smoking.

Count the days you are smoke free. You can compare the number of days you last smoked to the present day. Make a point to always know how long you have quit smoking. Counting the days of not smoking will help convince you that you have quit for good. Most people will lose their cravings for cigarettes after about 3 days. If you are counting the days right from the start, then you will know when you can look forward to it becoming easier. In the beginning, it may seem like they will last forever. But after a few days, you'll find that they continue to lessen and that it will get easier.

Tip 6: Be kind to yourself.

It isn't easy to quit smoking, so be sure to reward yourself for your progress. Take yourself out to your favorite restaurant Buy yourself some flowers. You'll find that you can now enjoy their scent for the first time in years!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stop Smoking to Save Money

Health isn’t the only factor in why people are planning to quit smoking now or in the near future. The cost of smoking has a direct impact on their way of life, limiting the amount of money they can contribute to the living expenses of the household.

Smoking is a very expensive habit, and it’s worse when you smoke more than one pack per day. Smokers may start out smoking relatively few cigarettes per day, but as the addiction goes on, they start upping the number of cigarettes they need to use each day in order to feel the mood enhancement, so the cost of their habit goes up accordingly until they make the decision to quit smoking.

Right now, you can calculate the money you spend by figuring out how many packs per day you smoke and multiplying that number by 365. That’s your monthly cost of the nicotine habit, which would fall to zero if you quit smoking instead.

For instance, if you live in a state where a pack of cigarettes is approximately $3.58, which is low compared to many state prices, and you smoke one pack per day, then you’re racking up a $1,306.70 a year habit.

Wouldn’t you rather quit smoking and do something extravagant with $13,067 in ten years than have health complications from a smoking habit? Of course those who are up to 3 packs per day in a state where the cost of cigarettes is well over $5 per pack, see an even bigger impact on their finances.

If you were to quit smoking a pack a day today and put the money you’re using toward cigarettes into a 401(k) that earns you at least 9% interest, then you’d have a quarter of a million dollars within the next 30 years.

If you don’t quit smoking, then you’ll also be paying other costs associated with your habit. For instance, smokers have a heftier bill for teeth cleanings and dry cleaning, just to get the stains and odors out.

Until you quit smoking, you’re also plagued with higher insurance costs because health care providers know the impact smoking causes on the health economy of our nation.

Need to sell your car? If you’ve been smoking in it, you won’t get as much for your trade-in as you would if you had quit smoking. Plus, studies have shown that smokers earn less and risk being unemployable by companies with a no-smoking policy.

These costs don’t even factor in the healthcare costs associated with smoking. When you consider the health impact smoking has, the cost is even greater. Quit smoking for your health, but also to reduce your financial waste and put that money toward your lifelong dreams.
For more help on how to successfully stop smoking click Here

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Best Quit Smoking Methods - Making the Choice

There are many products, companies and strategies claiming to be the best quit smoking methods, but which one is right for you? Everything from hypnotism to acupuncture and from prescription drugs to self-help tricks. There are many things to consider when weeding through the best quit smoking methods, and you can quickly eliminate the products and strategies that are not right for you by asking yourself a few questions.

What is Your Goal: When looking at the best quit smoking methods, think about what your actual goal is. Do you want to quit smoking today forever? Do you no longer want to feel dependent on a drug? Do you want to get healthy? Think about what it is that you really want because some strategies will help achieve your goals better than others.

What Are the Costs: The costs of nicotine patches are pricey, but you can spread the cost out over time as opposed to hypnosis treatment which will have large upfront costs for each session. If one of your goals of kicking the habit is to save more money, then quitting cold turkey may be the best quit smoking method for you.

Does if Fit Your Lifestyle: Can you see yourself, for example, going in to get hypnotized? Or can you handle being in a smoky bar with all of your friends lighting up around you. If you are thinking about smoking gum, can you chew gum during work? Think about what it is going to be like to be a non-smoker and how your strategy will fit into your current lifestyle.

How Soon Do You Want to Quit: Some quit smoking methods allow you to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day. Obviously if you want to quit smoking starting tomorrow, this one isn’t going to be the best quit smoking method for you.

Is it Effective: Be sure to consider the success rates of each of the methods. You don't want to get 12 weeks into a program to find out it didn't work for you. If this is a repeat attempt to quit smoking, what has or hasn't worked in the past, and what made you relapse?

Quitting smoking “cold turkey” is not the only way to kick your habit, but many claim it is the best quit smoking method. Before you dive in to giving up smoking, be sure to outline a plan that is going to help you be successful. If you fail, just get back up and try again. If quitting smoking were easy, there wouldn't be complete industries built around programs to help you quit.

About the Author
Find out the best way to stop smoking and popular quit smoking ways that actually work. Download your free report now.

Successful Tips To Quiting Smoking

Are you sure you want to quit smoking?

Quit smoking is a thought uppermost in the minds of most smokers, though it is a task easier said than done. Quit smoking is a personal choice and be also aware that it does and can affect the health of others around you. Quit smoking is a definte possibility just be prepared for the battles in your mind and the seduction of your taste buds. Quit smoking today is a successful action and descision because it overcomes your desire to light up and directly addresses the desire to quit smoking.

Resarch and medical data clearly shows that smoking increases your risk of getting lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It increases the risk of lung disease and heart disease. It also causes premature wrinkling of the skin, bad breath, bad smelling clothes and hair, yellow fingernails, and increased risk of macular degeneration, one of the most common causes of blindness in the elderly. Smoking-related illness can limit your activities by making it harder to breathe, get around, work, or play. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and diminishes a person's overall health. Smoking is a deadly method of weight control and scientific studies can confirm that smoking is a leading cause of death. Like any addiction, especially smoking addictions, that involve chemicals, is a sickness.

Cigarettes smoke contains over 4,000 different poisonous chemicals including chemicals used in toilet cleaners and rat poison. Cigarette smoke also contains nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide, both poisonous gases. It also contain tar which has been proven to form cancer. Cigarettes are as addictive as cocaine and heroin due to their nicotine content.

Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive substance, especially when taken in by inhaling tobacco because of the rapid absorption through the lungs. Nicotine is delivered in a simple but deadly vehicle like cigarette smoke mixed with over 400 other chemicals the manufacturers add to the cigarette. It can also be found in breast milk and even in cervix mucus secretions of smokers. There are nicotine replacement products which are ways to take in nicotine without smoking. It works by lessening your body's craving for nicotine and reducing withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine medications provide you with a safer alternative source of nicotine that enters the body less rapidly and in a lower concentration than cigarettes. Be aware that nicotine is an addictive drug and smoking is a powerful habit.

Quitting smoking is not easy, but you can do it. I know Ive been there. It certainly does and can bring major and immediate health benefits to both men and women of all ages. It can and does reverses much of the damage caused by smoking, for example you will notice the ease in your breathing and the sensation in your taste buds and the fresh taste of air in your system. It certainly will save you thousands of dollars in medical expenses and save you heartache and anguish from a result of smoking related illnesses. It will be one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself and your heart. Quitting doesn't mean you'll automatically gain weight. It is a process that requires careful planning, courage, discipline, and commitment. Quitting at any age is beneficial and does not only increase life expectancy, it also improves quality of life.

Health concerns usually top the list of reasons people give for quitting smoking. There are a lot of long term health benefits. no more short breathes, more energy, food tastes better, your breath smells fresh, great improvement in your love life, longer life span and many more to lifes health benefits. Health costs and other costs of smoking is just another indicator on the impact of tobacco on the health and economics of society and individuals. Health effects of passive smoking is an irritant to the eyes and the respiratory tract. Health risks for your family members caused by secondhand smoke are reduced when you quit smoking.

Hypnosis can be a really powerful tool as a stop smoking aid. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy is often promoted as a way to help people stop smoking. Hypnosis to quit smoking is a method of implanting a suggestion to give up smoking into a person's mind. Done well, hypnosis can be an excellent treatment for smoking as long as the hypnotherapist has a sophisticated understanding of psychology and can appreciate how the smoker has already been hypnotised by the cigarettes. Hypnosis works directly on breaking the subconscious (emotional) smoking habit while decreasing (and often eliminating) physical withdrawal symptoms.

Reason to Quit Smoking
Smoking causes the skin to age prematurely and fine lines and wrinkles to develop. Smoking causes the carbon monoxide levels in the blood to increase. Smoking causes bad breath Smoking causes shortness of breath. Smoking causes loss of taste sensations. Smoking causes arrogance and stubborness. Smoking causes many health problems, some of which are serious and life threatening.

About the Author
Tim Koia is an upcoming publisher in his own rights providing well informed informations on consumer products that affects and influence our daily descision making. For a healthy lifestyle, find out more..